Pepsi does not advertise dark, sweet, carbonated water. No, their ads clearly show that if you drink Pepsi, you too can be sexy or virile, free, successful and on the go. Nike does not sell foot-containers made of rubber and canvas. No, they make you fashionable, athletic and cool. What can we learn from the highly successful, multi-billion dollar marketers?

There is a reason that they are so successful. You too can experience dramatic growth, whether you sell ideas or widgets, if you are willing to redefine what you sell in the ways suggested. The thing you offer to the marketplace is not, inherently and intrinsically, what the customer desires. Instead, it is a mere conduit through which to deliver a desirable emotional experience to the customer. Widgets are commodities, interchangeable and cheap. An emotional experience is unique, inherently desirable and makes customers want to come back and buy again.


  • Home Buyers: They may need a house, but they want/desire home, safety, security, comfort and curb appeal.
  • Bank Customers: They may need a loan but they desire convenience, freedom, flexibility and access.


What do you sell? Redefine it into the emotional, experiential benefits it delivers to customers. Ask, “How can I deliver it with the best experience the person/customer could have?”

(Source: Book, Persuasion Power—Alvin Day)

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