Did education dumb you down? A child starts out with boundless creativity and imagination, then it steadily decreases as education increases. I base this assertion on over 30 years of observing business leaders and regular folk across the globe.

It is all well and good that humans grow up and cut back their wild childhood fantasies—that they no longer shade human drawings purple or green—after all, we all know that people come in black and white, with a few having a brownish or reddish tint, due to an unclean paintbrush. However, along with the decline in childhood fantasies, comes a reduction of innovation and problem solving—critical skills for success in the adult world.

This is a travesty of formal education, misunderstood and misapplied. It started with our ABCs that went in only one particular order. Then in algebra, we learned only one right answer to every question and all others were wrong—and by the way, the latter can be proven scientifically to be incorrect.

With rapid changes in science, technology and human thinking, the value of education is not its content or knowledge, but rather, the side benefit of learning how to learn—and we should never stop learning until the world stops changing.


When last did you deliberately learn something new—not just new facts, but a new way of thinking? Without it, you could stagnate and shrink mentally; you could be the first to get laid off at work; you could resent society for not working as it should. Action: Read self-help books. Study a little philosophy for free online. Get smarter friends! smile

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