Are you a leader? If so, pay attention to your intellectual horsepower—the ability to think, understand, learn and decide well. Importantly, this horsepower is not just native smartness or Intelligence Quotient. Regardless of what the objective tests show, your past degree, title or rank cannot keep pace with today’s explosive rate of information growth.

In the Industrial Age, intelligence was measured by the quantity of information you had learned and how well you could process it. In today’s Information Age, it is measured by how quickly you can access information and assimilate it. This is the great leveler that often gives the high school graduate advantage over the PhD graduate. Do not be seduced into feeling important about what you remember from yesterday’s facts or the yellowing diplomas on your wall. Learn the big secret of being smart today.

The secret: Today, intellectual horsepower correlates directly with two skills: 1) Your adeptness at learning to use technology, and 2) Your skill at asking questions—the right questions, abundant questions. Finding answers is relatively easy, but the right question is far more powerful than the answers. Three of the most powerful questions are: Why? Why not? What if? Ask!


What will happen to PhDs, Masters and Bachelors graduates who take pleasure in their previous learning? Do you have the intellectual horsepower to flex, open up and transform? If not, God rest your soul.

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