A funny thing about life is that it co-exists with death. A strange thing about life is that is often comes out of death. Take the seed as an example. Unless a typical seed falls into the ground and dies, it does not bring forth fruit. Is this literal, biological death? No, but it is massive transformation; it goes underground, loses contact with other seeds, absorbs moisture, swells up, bursts open, and THEN new life buds, blooms and blossoms.

Do you have to die literally to achieve greatness? Some people do, but not all; most typically, it requires massive transformation. You must deny yourself of short-term pleasures, go underground for a while, put yourself under immense pressure to learn and change and then, when the time is right, greatness can burst forth. It is the way of nature—how corn comes, how a great author writes a book, and how Momma gives birth. Oh…and that’s how one peculiar Galilean gave freedom and innocence to those burdened with guilt and shame—life after death.

If you are a seeker of immediate pleasures, beware, long-term pleasure often demands short-term pain. What are you doing today to invest yourself into producing life? What is the essence of you that will live after you die?


Life and death are opposites and as such, are not supposed to coexist. Isn’t it true that two opposite things cannot be true at the same time?

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