In our weekly discourse, most of our messages are empowering thoughts and words. But can you speak right, think right and yet, the corresponding circumstances of your life seem all wrong? Yes, definitely. This results in dissonance — tension between the two opposing states. E.g.: If in your thoughts and dreams, you are wealthy, but your material reality is financial distress, that tension is almost palpable. If in your thoughts you are loved and supported, but in reality, you are surrounded with negative, unsupportive people, that tension is incalculable.

However, do not despair. That dissonance between the thought and the material reality is a necessary ingredient in the recipe for success. When the dissonance is absent, there is little passion or energy to run, climb and soar ahead. Instead, people experience emotions ranging from satisfaction to complacency and ultimately, apathy. On the other hand, when present, the dissonance is a catalyst that demands resolution and there are only two ways to resolve it. You must either take action until you produce the success your mind desires or change your mind and give up the dream.

If you feel that dissonance, then what are you doing differently to manifest the thinking—to give feet to your faith—to give walk to your talk? Begin today to work the plan.


Are some people born to be poor and lacking in influence?
What about people who do not have a high IQ or good education—should we expect that everyone and anyone can be a success?

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