The dog chases the truck and catches it. What does he do with it now?

Our heroes charge us to pursue dreams, aspirations and ambitions—and so we must. But CAUTION: After the rush and excitement of successful pursuit, the destination could disappoint. No destination or circumstance is inherently joyful, happy or fulfilling. Rather, we choose to trigger those internal emotions using external conditions such as our accomplishments, but that is not sustainable.

Arrive at your mountaintop and on Day 1 you feel pure exhilaration; Day 2, happiness; Day 3, good vibes; Day 10: “Is that it? What do I do now?” The intensity fades over time!

Isn’t it true that that gold cup no longer lights you up today as intensely as it did on the day you won it? And that fading certificate on your wall gives less pleasure today than the day you earned it. True? Even that last income raise has now become status quo. “Vanity of vanities…all is vanity.” (King Solomon)

Sure, pursue dreams and aspirations with all your heart, but: 1) Find a spiritual source of joy that is not dependent on circumstances or accomplishments. 2) At the peak of every mountain, set your sights on another peak or you will face disappointment and stagnation. Climb again!


What about retirement? Do we have to struggle and climb every day of our lives?

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